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Cook Named Goldwater Scholar

Matthew CookMatthew Cook, a third-year student with majors in Biochemistry and Genetics, has been named a 2017 Goldwater Scholar. In looking toward the future, Matthew's plans include earning a Ph.D. in biochemistry, continuing to conduct research on enzymology with an interest in improving protein engineering, and teaching in academia.

Matthew was one of four students nominated for the award by Iowa State University (ISU). ISU was one of only four institutions in the nation to have all four of nominees named as scholars. Established by Congress in 1986, the Goldwater Scholarship recognizes students of outstanding potential who intend to pursue careers in mathematics, the sciences, or engineering research. The scholarship is considered the nation’s most prestigious award for undergraduates in STEM disciplines.

A complete list of all scholarship winners by state can be viewed on-line at the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation.