New research from the Chen lab published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology

Proteins in the cell membrane are brought into compartments called endosomes. These proteins are often recycled back to the cell's surface, a process crucial for the cell’s health and proper functions. Several groups of proteins work together to make this recycling process happen. One of these groups is called "Retriever”, consisting of three proteins: VPS35L, VPS26C, and VPS29. Retriever teams up with another group called "CCC," which include CCDC22, CCDC93, and ten different COMMD proteins.
In an exciting study recently published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, researchers from Stone Chen's lab in BBMB at Iowa State and UT Southwestern Medical Center made significant advancements in our understanding of how Retriever and CCC function. They used state-of-the-art techniques like cryogenic electron microscopy and AlphaFold structure prediction, along with rigorous biochemical and cell biological experiments, to reveal the detailed structure of Retriever-CCC. Their research helps us better grasp how these protein groups operate in our cells and how mutations in these proteins might be connected to diseases such as cancer.
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